Tuesday 22 April 2014

I should give advice for a living

I was on Crappypasta recently and it was there that I discovered I might not be too shabby at giving advice. Now to know what Crappypasta is you'll need to know what Creepypasta is. Creepypasta is a website that people can submit their scary stories to and people can comment on them and rate them. It's like Fanfiction but Fanfiction is where people submit their versions of stories that already exist. Crappypasta is the website where all the stories submitted that aren't quite Creepypasta standard yet are posted so people can comment with constructive criticism. I had commented on a story called Ghost Hospital, you can look it up on Crappypasta if you want, and I had mentioned the story being quite predictable. The author had replied with a thanks and asked me for tips on how to make it less predictable. I replied with this (this will make more sense to you if you read Ghost Hospital);

I amaze myself sometimes. I thought I'd better share this because I know how difficult it can be to try writing a story and I really hope this advice can help some people. These techniques are working well for me so far, I seem to be getting somewhere with one of my stories. If this even helps at least one person I'll be very pleased.
Happy writing, and may the words be ever in your story. (I'm cringing how bad that joke I just made is)

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