Sunday 31 August 2014

Everything is happening

Lots of stuff is going on and I'm gonna ramble on about it so bear with me.

We were finally introduced to the new Doctor last Saturday and two episodes have already been on TV and I must say I think he is just fantastic. He's older, and lots of people have mentioned that to me. So? He's fantastic. I think his age is gonna tie into the storyline somewhere. Maybe he'll be the last Doctor. I hope not, but who knows... I've heard rumours that his companion Clara might not make it to Christmas and that frustrates me because I think she's brilliant, she's confident and feisty. Let's hope the rumours are not true.

The last Skulduggery Pleasant book ever *wailing* was released 3 days ago. I preordered myself a copy and that meant I got a black edition (there are only 200 of those) and it was signed! So I'm very happy. I'm 9 chapters in and it's great so far.  I saw a spoiler on Tumbler however, so after I post this I'm done with the internet altogether until I finish the book. But in the brighter side if things, Derek Landy is doing a book signing in my city in two weeks and I'm so excited! I wasn't at the Requiem Ball (the launch party for the book that took Place in London) which I was very sad about but at least I get to meet Derek in person in my own city and have him sign my name on a book from my favourite book series so yeah I'm fangirling a lot right now excuse me...

I started listening to this podcast over the summer called Welcome To Night Vale. There were 50 episodes when I first started listening and they're like 30-45 minutes long each, but I finished them all in like one week. If you don't know anything about it, Welcome To Night Vale is a scripted podcast for a radio station in a fictional desert town in America called Night Vale. The podcast was never actually aired on the radio, it's just a podcast. But I absolutely love it, and I heard they were doing a life show of it in Dublin and I talked about it so much until one night my mum just said let's just do it, let's to to this show. So I bought tickets for me and a friend to go. I need to get a cosplay together and seeing there are no given images of the characters from this podcast, I have to go on my own headcanon of how I see the character I'm going as. Search 'night vale cecil' and you'll see what type of cosplay I'm trying to get together. I am so excited!

Friday 22 August 2014

Horrifyingly Disappointing

A friend said she bought Scream 3 and she really wanted to watch it (I don't even know why she bought it to begin with) so me and another friend went to her place to watch this film. None of us had seen Scream 1 or 2 but we watched it anyway. It took a lot for me to talk myself into agreeing to watch it. I'd never seen a proper horror film so I began to really look forward to it.
But, I was thoroughly disappointed. It's so boring... Even if we had seen the first two films it would still have been just as boring. There was no real storyline that I could see. It revolved around people getting killed. That was basically it. The killings were the most exciting parts. Well, I say exciting. Really just more fun to watch because you could make fun of how predictable the deaths were and how cliché the characters reactions were. And it wasn't even that gory! There wasn't as much blood as I expected there to be, and that was surprisingly disappointing to me. Really surprisingly. I'm not usually into intense gore or horror but I was so pumped up about watching a proper horror film that I was ready for anything. And I was let down. If you like a good horror film with a great storyline, lots of gore and horror then Scream 3 is really not the film for you. We couldn't even finish it. We were skipping to the scenes where people where getting killed just so we could laugh at them, but we eventually gave up on that and watched Vampires Suck instead.
Not good.