Thursday 24 December 2015

Christmas Eve is finally here

It will officially be Christmas Day in about three hours, and I have got nowhere with my projects... But it doesn't matter. I've decided to leave it until next year. That'll give me time to not only finish my story, but to properly edit it as well. I guess that makes more sense than trying to rush it and then upload what would technically still be a first draft... So I can relax and put it out of my mind for now.
But Christmas Eve is finally here, and I'm starting to feel a little more excited than I have been now that all my presents are bought and wrapped and The Nightmare Before Christmas is on TV. Admittedly I didn't have a very festive day, considering I spent most of it crocheting and listening to a sci-fi horror podcast. But still, I'm feeling festive now. I guess I don't really have much to say other than Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a Happy New Year if I don't get posting between now and New Year's Day. I couldn't leave you completely empty handed though, so I'll leave you with these two festive music items.

This is the theme for the NoSleep Podcast's 2015 Christmas special and I am in love with it. It's free to download, name your price; just click "buy now" and enter 0. It's amazing and really lends an eerie chill to a dark, winter's day.

This is the 8tracks playlist I was talking about in my last post. I decided to upload it anyway since it was finished. It's a darker than usual Christmas playlist, but I love it.

Well there's a good selection of dark Christmas background music to listen to while you wait for Santa to arrive. Happy Christmas Eve, at long last.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Damn that was ambitious...

So, Christmas is in two days. How did that even happen...? I could've sworn it was only Halloween like yesterday. It's approaching too quickly, and that leaves me with a problem; I was hoping to have some sort of "bumper pack" of projects to post on Christmas Eve. I had a story to write, two narrations to post on YouTube, an 8tracks playlist to go with one of them and I was hoping to submit my newest story to reddit NoSleep. All of this on top of crocheting Christmas gifts, and squeezing in a new anime series, but that's not important... What is important is that a) I'm writing this at 2am and it actually makes sense wow and b) I'm not going to get those projects done. I may not even get them done by the new year. I could have one narration done by Christmas Eve if I'm extremely lucky, but I haven't even finished writing the other story and it's set on Christmas Eve so it kinda needs to be submitted by then. This annoys me for countless more reasons, the primary one being the fact that the whole point of this was to mark a decade of my creative development or whatever it is I keep calling it. I suppose I could always put it off until around my birthday next year... But it's mostly Christmas themed so it wouldn't make any sense. I don't even know why I bothered to make a post about this, I guess I just felt I owed an update to anyone who actually reads these. Plus, it's like 2.30am, I've just watched like five episodes of Black Lagoon and no one seems to be online so why not just ramble. I've never written anything past 11pm so I don't even know if this makes sense anymore. Let's just roll with it. I may even try writing some more of my story soon...
On a distantly related topic, I just realised I haven't mentioned Christmas until now. I'm not as excited about it as I have been in past years, but I guess considering I feel like it should still be October I haven't really emotionally caught up yet. That'll probably happen at about 1am on Christmas Eve. It'll hit me like a sack full of coal. One thing that does actually help to get me in the festive spirit while still feeling as spooky as I usually do is the NoSleep Podcast Christmas special. Ohh man. It's good. I mean it's really good. Lot's of creepy children and a chilling Christmas theme that I will be listening to for the rest of the month. Technically I guess that's actually rest of the year. But yeah. Go listen to it. It's 2 hours and 43 minutes of heaven for me haha.
I'm only just realising just how unorganised my thoughts are right now. Let's take this as a writing experiment, see if the quality of my writing is directly proportional to how tired I am. That sounds very technical. It's really not. It's also fun to see where my mind wanders along this thought trail. Which brings me to my next point I guess; New Year.
Ok so the new year is hot on the heels of Christmas and while I may not be entirely ready for that latter one (considering I haven't even finished my gift shopping), I do believe I am more than ready for the new year. This year I am embracing the idea of a clean slate and a fresh start and a better me. I'd like to tackle 2016 head on and I'm actually excited to see what it'll bring. If my memory serves me correctly, the last time I mentioned the coming of a new year on this blog I think I shunned all these ideas and basically said "It's nothing but just another year." Well that is a little true. But right now I feel there's a lot more to it than that. More meaning. More opportunities. Or maybe I'm just really drowsy... Yeah. Let's go with that one. Also the music I'm listening to is too dancy for 2.30 in the morning but for some reason I'm writing pretty well with it as background music so I'm afraid to listen to anything else.
Speaking of music, I just remembered I already have that 8tracks playlist done. It's saved and ready to upload whenever. I'm really pleased with it. It's a good mix of dark Christmas music to go with the story I'm working on. It's made up of all the dark Christmas "mood music" I guess, that serves as excellent background noise while I'm writing the story. It's also great to listen to when you're walking alone on a cold evening. If you like feeling slightly scared but also very inspired. I feel like that's becoming my constant state now; slightly scared, spooky and inspired. Three ingredients for a horror writer, there's your checklist.
I would continue to ramble but I am losing the ability to keep my eyes open and my hands moving. There wasn't really any plan or point to this. Usually I have a plan. Usually I know what I want to say, and I plan it in advance. This was new for me. Improv writing. I know I'm going to read this in the morning and hate myself... But it was kinda fun.