Saturday 28 June 2014

Summer oh my god it's finally here...

Summer is here! I couldn't be more pleased to see the end of the school year. Our last day was yesterday and we didn't really do anything special in class. We had an end of year assembly that was meant to be inspiring but was just the usual "you need to believe in yourself for stuff to happen" and then we sat in class for 3 hours. Me and two friends spent most of the time stuffing our faces with popcorn while trying to hear the film we were watching because the speakers wouldn't turn up any louder. So that was fun. Then me and Irene and Catherine went to Nandos. Nothing tastes better than your first summer meal, let me tell you that. After that we went to see The Fault In Our Stars. We met some more friends at the cinema, sat with them and then we all cried together. It was the saddest film I have ever seen... It dredged up some bad memories and I really wish we hadn't chosen to go see it on our last day of school... It is more sad than Up and Marley and Me put together so just be prepared for that if you do choose to go see it. But thankfully the day didn't end entirely on a depressing note; my mum took me and Irene to a barbecue takeaway and we sat in the park eating our burgers and chips watching people walk their dogs. Irene is afraid of dogs so it was quite funny watching her react to them until it got to much for her and we moved elsewhere in the park. In the evening the park looks really nice. I prefer sitting out in the cold so it was prefect.
Today was my first full day off. I thought I would have a massive lie in but I got up at about 8.30. I was hungry so I kinda had to get up... I ended up watching two episodes of the Mentalist and then I tidied my room while watching The Dark Knight, which was shocking. I never tidy my room, especially not on my first day off. Though after tidying my room I didn't really know what to do with myself so I watched another episode of the Mentalist. If I've already run out of ideas for what to do on day one what am I gonna do for the next 8 weeks?

Friday 13 June 2014

The Void

Three of my favourite TV programs finished recently and I'm very distraught because it leaves me with a lot of free time that I'm not used to having and it's come at the worst time because I have no homework or revision to do.
These three programs kept my week interesting; The Tomorrow People, Person of Interest and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Tomorrow People has finished forever after only one series with a cliffhanger that they have no intentions of rescuing us from and the other two are only finished for the series. But I find myself counting down the days until the new series of Doctor Who and the release of The Dying of the Light. With two months until either I've got 2 and onward of The Mentalist to keep me going, but let's see how long it takes me to watch all of those episodes. So I'm on two temporary hiatuses now and one permanent one... Nice.
And series 4 of Sherlock won't be on TV until 2016. How very disappointing.
I'm just going to rant about all the hiatuses I'm on...
The Dying of the Light comes out on 28th of August and once we finish reading it the whole of the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom goes on a permanent hiatus... I shudder at the thought. But, to keep me going until then, the collection of short Skulduggery stories (Armageddon Outta Here) is released in July so I'd better finish the current book I'm on so I can start the new book straight away...
I guess all I need to do now is watch The Mentalist for two weeks...

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Talk words to me

I recently discovered that I have a love for the Australian accent. I don't know where this came from really. In the past it was an accent I wouldn't have thought twice about, it was just an accent that reminded me of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! But now? I don't know. It was at the Giro D'italia that I first noticed it. One of the guys helping out had come over to ask us to just keep back so we wouldn't get hit by the cyclists. He had an Australian accent, and I found myself gawking after him wanting to hear him speak again. It was weird. It just caught me unaware and it was stupid but I was thinking about it for days after. You know that nagging feeling you get when you sing a song but you can't remember what it's called or who sings it? Or you go around all day repeating a line from a film but you can't remember what film it's from, and you begin to doubt if it was even from a film because, you know,  you might have made it up? I got that feeling, for ages, and it just followed me around like a bad smell for days. I know it's weird, over an accent, right? Pfft, why should I have cared. But there was this feeling that there was something a lot bigger behind it. It hit me when I was watching Mock The Week one day.
I have a crush on an Australian comedian. I mean, a huge crush. It just crept up on me so slowly...
His name is Adam Hills, I don't know if you've seen any of his shows but I watched some of them online and I find him really funny.
This is him, in case you don't know him. I love his accent, I could just listen to him talking all day long.
I also really like Richard Roxburgh. He's an Australian actor. He's been in a Hound of the Baskervilles film, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and quite a lot more. I didn't realise he was Australian because I'd only ever seen him play British characters, but when I heard his natural accent somehow it made me love him even more... Strange.


I have a new baby cousin.
Her name is Esmé and she was born on 8th May so she shares her birthday with my friend. I was actually at the cinema for my friend's party when I got a text to say Esmé was born. She is the cutest thing ever; she's just like a doll! I love seeing all the baby clothes and toys, they're so cute and everything is so small and just adorable. I can't wait until she gets older and I can help her with her homework and give her advice on what to wear. I will probably need to carry out some babysitting duties, but that'd be cool. I've never babysat by myself before. I look forward to seeing Esmé grow up.

I went to see Maleficent for my friend's birthday, and I was bitterly disappointed. I was really looking forward to it, it looked like it was going to be fantastic. It wasn't the best... The acting was cringeworthy the whole way through. I think it was really more for kids, but even at that it should be enjoyable for everyone. If you don't know what it's about it's just a modernisation of the story of Sleeping Beauty but with a bit of a twist.
I couldn't get over how sharp they made Angelina Jolie's cheekbones look. They were sharper than Benedict Cumberbatch's. She looked like she had no cheeks at all...
After the cinema we went to Cosmo. Cosmo is a buffet restaurant with food from all over the world. Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Eastern European and more. It was amazing, I have never eaten so much in all my life! The sushi was amazing. I highly recommend that you go there.

The exams are all finished and I couldn't be more glad. We now have just over 2 weeks left until summer. Finally!! Slowly but surely we've been getting our results back. So far I think I've got all As, I'm just waiting on the geography grade boundaries and my art percentage. I have to wait until Friday to get my art mark back and we might not even get it then. The anticipation is killing me...