Tuesday 22 April 2014

Detergent. I mean, uh... Divergent

I went to see Divergent a while ago, so I'm going to do what I usually do when I run out of things to blog about and I'm going to review it.

Woops. I guess my fingers slipped...

There. This was an alright film. It isn't really anything new. It's all cliché and predictable. My favourite thing about this film is the soundtrack. The soundtrack is great. But onto the storyline. Basically there was this big war and a wall was built around the surviving part of the world for protection and people were placed into factions (groups really) based on their skills/personalities. I think it's when they reach a certain age people are tested to see which faction they truly belong in and then they get to choose one to be in for the rest of their lives. The test is only for guidance but they can choose any faction. Our main female protagonist, Tris, gets tested and learns she's Divergent which means her results were inconclusive so really she has an element of every faction in her. Divergents aren't liked people and are usually killed so it's really all about her surviving as a Divergent in her new faction and blah blah blah. Some dramatic stuff happens, there's lots of predictable outcomes, the soundtrack continued to be great and now we're waiting for the second movie. Really I got bored after about 20 minutes. It's not my kind of film. Divergent and Twilight were both done by Summit Entertainment. Is it a coincidence both films are terrible? I think not.

I should give advice for a living

I was on Crappypasta recently and it was there that I discovered I might not be too shabby at giving advice. Now to know what Crappypasta is you'll need to know what Creepypasta is. Creepypasta is a website that people can submit their scary stories to and people can comment on them and rate them. It's like Fanfiction but Fanfiction is where people submit their versions of stories that already exist. Crappypasta is the website where all the stories submitted that aren't quite Creepypasta standard yet are posted so people can comment with constructive criticism. I had commented on a story called Ghost Hospital, you can look it up on Crappypasta if you want, and I had mentioned the story being quite predictable. The author had replied with a thanks and asked me for tips on how to make it less predictable. I replied with this (this will make more sense to you if you read Ghost Hospital);

I amaze myself sometimes. I thought I'd better share this because I know how difficult it can be to try writing a story and I really hope this advice can help some people. These techniques are working well for me so far, I seem to be getting somewhere with one of my stories. If this even helps at least one person I'll be very pleased.
Happy writing, and may the words be ever in your story. (I'm cringing how bad that joke I just made is)

Friday 18 April 2014

Bring me a chocolate bunny dammit!

Easter is on the horizon, and I can almost smell the chocolate... It's almost been 6 weeks since I've had any chocolate, crisps or even a glass of coke. 2 days and I can sink my teeth into the neck of an unsuspecting chocolate bunny. Or, you know, an Easter egg or whatever. Just bring me anything smothered in or made of chocolate and I'm a happy bunny, if you'll excuse the Easter pun. I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms over Lent this year. That's weird. Very weird. That's the first year I haven't been kept awake at night by the horrifying images in my head of a snickers bar calling out to me... to eat it, and that no one will find out if I do...
I guess all I want to say here is Happy Easter. I usually go overboard and put in loads of festive memes and videos but I think I'll just share my favourite Easter meme this time;

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Comedy; is it all just an act?

I love a bit of comedy, and I especially love the semi-improvised sitcom Outnumbered. I also started watching Mock the Week on line a while ago and it's brilliant. I love improvised comedy like that, just saying whatever comes into your head. Some people are great at that type of thing, and I really like Hugh Dennis. I just think his sense of humour is so clever and quick witted. But is that all just an on-screen persona?

I read this article a few days ago, and I must say I'm shocked. Are all comedians like this? Am I the only one who is really surprised by this? I mentioned this at lunch today, I mentioned the Hugh Dennis story. I said, "You know some comedians are actually really boring in real life?" and my friend said, "I reckon I could be the one to change that." It needs changing. Having comedians who are boring is like having authors who can't read, or sports commentators who don't understand sport. It's like when an actor on CSI has to talk the "technical" talk, the scientific jargon. They know how to say the words they're saying but they don't understand why they're saying them. You need to watch an episode of Mock the Week, just see how quick witted Hugh Dennis is. Then you read this article; "Hugh Dennis was so boring I divorced him"