Sunday, 22 December 2013

My fatal knife wound.

Recently, when I was handling a knife in *ahem* very heroic circumstances, I received a very fatal knife wound... on my thumb... about the length of a pin. And of course I have a very heroic background story to go with this knife wound. When people come up to me and say "Wow where did you get the fatal knife wound?!" I say, and prepare yourself, this is amazing,"I was cutting... cheese. My thumb slipped in the process. The cheese was unharmed... That's more than I can say for my thumb *sob*" Very heroic...
Ok, yes. We've all been there; cutting an item of food and your hand slips and it all gets very messy and sticky and... red. This was my first slip up with a knife and trust my brain to go into sleep mode when I needed it most. For the first few seconds I couldn't feel I thing and I thought I'd just bumped my thumb with the blunt side of the knife. I continued to cut the cheese and then proceeded to eat it before I saw the cut... My thumb was soon covered in blood. I just stood there going,"Ahhh... Ahhh... Ok, ok. Ah." A few swear words tried to get out but resisted that urge. THEN I decided to wash the cut. And what did I do next? I ate the rest of the cheese slices, put the cheese in the fridge and sat down. From then I just sat staring at my thumb. I finally scraped together enough common sense to put a plaster on. It wasn't a big cut but it was a little deeper than the standard paper cut and it hurt like crazy. I am going to show it off to a few friends tomorrow and tell them the whole back story and everything. My friends are so privileged.

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