Monday, 19 May 2014


It's the same every year really; you plan to start studying early every year but end up leaving it to the last week. Well, it's that time of year again. I don't know how it may work in your school but we have two sets of exams a year - one in the first term (winter) and one in the last term (summer). It's two days to my summer exams and it still hasn't quite hit me yet. I'm quite blasé when it comes to exams, right up to the night before the first one which is usually when I start freaking out and burying my face in mountains of textbooks. I think that's the only reason I get As, because I'm quite good at speed revising just before a test. I would like to think I have good common sense when it comes to answering some questions but I'm not so sure... But this year I'm doing it right. I actually have done a fair bit of revision so I feel a little more confident. I just want to put it out there that no matter how confident you are with how much revision you can do in one night, you are usually wrong.
I think this is a fair way to sum up exam periods...

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