So our car did a thing. A bad thing. One day it just started chugging like it was in the wrong gear, but obviously it wasn't in the wrong gear. We had to keep starting and stopping it to get it up the road. We eventually figured out that every time water was put in the car it leaked back out. It was taken to be fixed and we found out that the radiator had blown. So basically we now have no car until it gets fixed. We live so far away from anyone we know so it's not like we can ask for a lift anywhere, we have to take a 40 minute walk at 7 every morning to get to the train station so we can get to work and school. But somehow with all that exercise I'm still not a size 0. It's not like I want to be a size 0 or anything... But doing all that walking and going on all that public transport everyday lets you see different parts of life you don't see when you're in a car. And, it's nice. And there's no traffic. But the bad thing about getting the train is that if we miss our train that's it, I'm gonna be late. There's only one train that gets me in on perfect time and it's a struggle to get to the station on time. It puts it into perspective how much people rely on cars and particularly how far away we live from ANYWHERE! So a word to the wise, when you're buying a place to live, take into account that you may need to be able to get by without a car at some point in time.
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