Thursday, 23 January 2014


I didn't know what to call this post so I thought I'd get together some things I wanted to talk about but didn't have enough information to write a full post on.

I'm gonna begin with something I can't believe I haven't mentioned yet. I actually can't believe I haven't mentioned it yet. My auntie who got married in August is pregnant. *silently freaks out* I'm so excited... I currently have 5 cousins but I can't really remember much about when they were born. I remember lots of hospital visits and a few christenings but... I was quite young. My memory is atrocious. It's just me, it always has been. It'll be nice to have another baby arrive in the family. It's gonna be so exciting!

Doctor Who was brilliant, did you see the Christmas special? I remember watching David Tennant's last Doctor Who Christmas special. I was annoyed that he was leaving Doctor Who. He was the first Doctor I had watched and I really like him, but one episode of Matt Smith as the Doctor and I had a new favourite Doctor. Now it's happening all over again. Did you see Matt Smith's regeneration? If not, watch it here;

I got an iPad mini for Christmas and it's fantastic. I may be slightly addicted to it. I particularly love the TV catch up apps; 4od, 5od, ITVplayer, BBC iplayer. Recently I've been watching a lot of Derren Brown on 4od. I'd watched some of his shows before but it was the kind of thing I just watched if there was nothing else on. That has changed. He is pretty awesome. I think my favourite show of his has to be the Secret of Luck. Have you seen it? *gasp* Criminal! Well, not to fear. You can check it out on 4od. And because I am so nice, I am giving you this link which will take you straight there. You're welcome.
4od - Derren Brown - The Secret of Luck (The Experiments)
It's really good. It tests the strength of our belief in luck and how important it is to be on the lookout for new opportunities coming your way. There is a big twist at the end and someone's entire life's savings is bet on the roll of a dice. Just watch it. It will blow your mind!

I just wanted to let you know that I will be doing a detailed review of Sherlock series 3 in a separate post and it will be full of spoilers, so when I post it don't read it unless you have already seen all of series 3. But if you have seen it, wasn't it fantastic?! I mean what a cliffhanger... Series 4 & 5 are being planned as we speak. I can't wait!!!!!!
I can't say much on series 3 because I don't want to give anything away here, but I reckon I can talk a little about Charles Augustus Magnussen. I know there are many people who weren't particularly keen on someone replacing Moriarty. I was one of those people. Moriarty was such an awesome villain. But if you liked Moriarty, you'll love Magnussen. Where Moriarty is elaborate and a little insane, Magnussen is smooth and softly spoken. Moriarty is the opposite of Sherlock in the way that he is nuts and he kills people, and Magnussen is the opposite of Sherlock in the other direction because he is quiet and manipulative. Magnussen doesn't kill people, he's not a killer. He just likes to get what he wants. He's manipulative, smart and sneaky. You'll just love him.

So recently I went to my friend's house to help her with her flute practice and it was going well and we had a good few hours to practice, but then we got bored and, well, this sort of... Happened.

Niall De Burca came to our school today and he is absolutely hilarious. He's an Irish storyteller. a few months ago we had a visit from an author called Alan Gibbons, and he was really funny. When I heard Niall De Burca was coming to our school I thought "How can you top Alan Gibbons?" But Niall De Burca was just brilliant. He had me laughing from the moment he opened his mouth. He told us three stories and the way he tells stories is fantastic. The facial expressions, the voices, the way he moved around the stage, all added to the hilariousness of his storytelling. If you ever get a chance to hear him storytelling, take it. You will love him.

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