Saturday, 23 November 2013

Drum roll please!

I have exciting news. The voyage of Awesome begins here my friends. Be prepared for the excitement, people of a nervous disposition do not read any further...

So... I have a stack of half written stories under my bed and I've made an important decision...
*Drum roll*
I'm going to go back to those stories and try to finish them! Yay!

I know, I'm so excited too. I can't wait to get started. But I have a feeling that this all doesn't sound as exciting to some people out there as it does to me... Things always sound better when you say them in your head.
Wow, I think there's a cat meme for everything....
But anyway, I'm so excited because this is finally my chance to get my own ideas down on paper. Fanfiction is fun and I really love it, but I want to be able to create my own characters and stories and places and adventures. So this is gonna be fun. I hope.
I think the stories that are under my bed are all the same stories but just different versions. All I know is there's a stack of paper under my bed that I need to sort out before I can start writing again. And no, I will not share my ideas with you. I'm keeping them secret until I have finished. Obviously I'm not going to start writing until after my exams are over and maybe I'll even wait until after Christmas, but I know when I do start I will have a lot to do.

There truly is a cat meme for everything...
All I can say now is I'M SO EXCITED and hopefully you'll be buying my book one day...

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