Thursday, 1 August 2013


I had to rewrite this because it was so... Hm. It just wasn't right. I'm going to explain what my blog is about. Most people have one specific thing they blog about; it might be film reviews or fashion or sport. My blog is just random I guess. I do some film reviews, but I generally blog about whatever comes into my head, and also the most exciting things that go on in my life. I use this almost as a diary, but I try to write it in a way that's more interesting for people to read.
A few things about myself;
I ramble a lot. So sometimes I'll put up a post for a few weeks, then I'll take it down and rewrite it because I realised it was too... Rambly.
I might fangirl excessively sometimes so just bear with me.
I am a bit crazy.
I am a huge fan of Welcome to Night Vale, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Skulduggery Pleasant and Marvel. Just to name a few things.

I hope you like what you read here, feel free to leave comments* on anything and just enjoy.

*I would like to get some feedback on how my writing is. I'm writing trying to write a book so it would be helpful.

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