Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe that it was a year ago that I was writing a silly post about all the things I loved and hated about new year, especially the whole "new year, new me" thing. I cringed so much when I read over that post again.
This year I've changed my mind. It's time for a new me, and I'm ready for it. It'll be fun.  I definitely intend to keep my new year's resolutions this year. I don't think I ever have before.
So, this year I plan to:
1. Eat more fruit
2. Drink more water
3. Read more books
4. Blog more (and blog about more intersting stuff ahhh)

I don't think those are too hard to do, except for that last one... Just the standard stuff. I was really hoping I would get caught up on Supernatural by the end of the year, but that was probably a bit too ambitious. 2014 has been really great though. We had national croatoan day of course.

I discovered my favourite band and my favourite TV shows. Skukduggery Pleasant came to an end which was quite sad, I still haven't finished the last book, but I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it all ends. Also, on Christmas day, my dad and his girlfriend got engaged! That was a beautiful way to top everything else.

I'm not gonna go in too deep and write paragraphs of stuff so I'll just leave it here and say that I'm wishing you all an amazing 2015. Hopefully we'll get those hover boards sometime soon...